Job Title: Project Manager (Global Fund CMI)

Salary: $13,200

Reports to: Executive Director


Count Me In (CMI) is a consortium of regional and global networks of young key populations and young people living with HIV, consisting of Youth LEAD, Y+ Global, and Youth RISE. CMI was conceived in 2017 to apply for the 2018-2020 Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiatives (CRG SI) grant cycle. The consortium was an immensely successful collaboration engaging young people living with HIV and other young key populations in Global Fund processes in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe through a spirit of partnership and cross-learning between partners.

After the successful implementation of the previous grants cycle, our consortium received a second round of funding for  “Count Me In 2.0” with its implementation starting in 2021. Youth RISE has been mostly working in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the African region as part of this grant.

Essential criteria

  • Extensive knowledge on Global Fund processes;
  • A good understanding of Youth RISE’s work;
  • Experience working in an online setting;
  • Demonstrated project management experience;
  • Extensive knowledge and experience working or volunteering in drug policy advocacy;
  • Extensive knowledge of the various intersectional needs of young people who use drugs and other inadequately served populations;
  • Non judgemental attitude towards stigmatised and marginalised populations;
  • High level of cultural competence, knowledge and understanding;
  • Solution focussed;
  • Demonstrated skills working as part of a team;
  • Demonstrated skills working independently.

Preferred Criteria:

  • Lived experience as a young person who uses and/or injects drugs


  • Plan and implement two CMI.2 Youth Consortium grant projects;
  • Oversee, monitor and evaluate CMI.2 grant projects in liaison with the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer;
  • Organise and produce communications materials in liaison with the Communications Officers;
  • Assist the Finance Officer with the preparation of financial reports to the donors
  • Engage with Consortium partners and other relevant partners and stakeholders regularly and effectively around all aspects of the grant projects;
  • Report monthly to the Executive Director
  • Engage in fundraising activities to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation.
  • Coordinate with other international networks including consortium members who are implementing GF in three countries(Ghana, Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan) 
  • Coordinate and collaborate with Youth RISE management team, Youth Consortium partners and Global Fund CRG department.
  • Prepare and submit Biannual and annual report on time to consortium lead
  • Produce an annual case study of the countries where small grants are provided
  • Provide technical assistance to the country partners

Please send a CV and Cover Letter to by Friday 21st January to apply to this position. Please include Project Manager (Count Me In) in the subject field. 

Job Title: Project Manager (Harm Reduction Consortium)

Salary: $20,000

Reports to: Executive Director


The Harm Reduction Consortium comprises nine organizations and is led by the International Drug Policy Consortium. The Consortium is beginning a new three-year cycle of funding from the Robert Carr Civil Society Network Fund for activities, as well as a one year “Exceptional Opportunities Funding” grant, which focuses on online harm reduction to respond to the needs of people who use drugs within the scope of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Essential Criteria:

  • A good understanding of Youth RISE’s work;
  • Experience working in an online setting;
  • Solution focused;
  • Demonstrated project management experience;
  • Extensive knowledge and experience working or volunteering in drug policy advocacy;
  • Extensive knowledge of the various intersectional needs of young people who use drugs and other inadequately served populations;
  • Non judgemental attitude towards stigmatised and marginalised populations;
  • High level of cultural competence, knowledge and understanding;
  • Good command of the English language;
  • Demonstrated skills working both independently and as part of a team.

Preferred Criteria:

  • Lived experience as a young person who uses and/or injects drugs


  • Oversee, monitor and evaluate both 4 Youth grant projects in liaison with the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer;
  • Submit monthly reports to the Executive Director and attend regular supervision meetings;
  • Organize and produce communications materials in liaison with the Communications Officers;
  • Complete all reporting requirements as set out by the Robert Carr Fund and the Consortium Lead;
  • Engage in fundraising activities to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation;
  • Complete all activities as outlined in the existing budget for both the core funding and the Exceptional Opportunities Funding;
  • Ensure all necessary documents, such as invoices and reports, are received from consultants and sub-grantees;
  • Create and maintain a detailed workplan for the year and ensure International Working Group members are informed about the workplan and upcoming activities;
  • Engage with Consortium partners and other relevant partners and stakeholders regularly and effectively around all aspects of the grant projects;
  • Attend Youth RISE monthly team meetings to present ongoing work and progress to the International Working Group;
  • Work as part of Youth RISE’s Senior Management Team and contribute to the running of the organization as necessary.

Please send a CV and Cover Letter to by Friday the 21st of January to apply to this position. Please include Project Manager (Harm Reduction Consortium) in the subject field.  

Job Title: Project Manager (Youth Consortium)

Salary: $20,000

Reports to: Executive Director


The Youth Consortium comprises four organisations (Youth RISE, Youth LEAD, Y+ Global and YPEER Asia Pacific Centre) and is led by Youth LEAD. The Consortium is beginning a new three-year cycle of funding from the Robert Carr Civil Society Network Fund for activities, as well as a one year “Exceptional Opportunities Funding” grant to respond to the needs of people who use drugs within the scope of the Covid-19 pandemic which focuses on access to justice. 

Essential criteria

  • Demonstrated project management experience;
  • Extensive knowledge and experience working or volunteering in drug policy advocacy;
  • Extensive knowledge of the various intersectional needs of young people who use drugs and other inadequately served populations;
  • Non judgemental attitude towards stigmatised and marginalised populations;
  • High level of cultural competence, knowledge and understanding;
  • Solution-focussed;
  • A good understanding of Youth RISE’s work;
  • Experience working in an online setting;
  • Demonstrated skills working as part of a team
  • Demonstrated skills working independently.

Preferred Criteria:

  • Lived experience as a young person who uses and/or injects drugs 


  • Plan and implement two 4Youth Consortium grant projects;
  • Oversee, monitor and evaluate both 4 Youth grant projects in liaison with the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer;
  • Organise and produce communications materials in liaison with the Communications Officers;
  • Assist the Finance Officer with the preparation of financial reports to the donors
  • Engage with Consortium partners and other relevant partners and stakeholders regularly and effectively around all aspects of the grant projects;
  • Attend Youth RISE monthly team meetings to present ongoing work and progress to the International Working Group;
  • Work as part of Youth RISE’s Senior Management Team and contribute to the running of the organization as necessary;
  • Report monthly to the Executive Director;
  • Engage in fundraising activities to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation.

Please send a CV and Cover Letter to by Friday 21st January to apply to this position. Please include Project Manager (4 Youth) in the subject field.