Launch of Special Series on "Young people, drugs and harm reduction"
Launch of Special Series on "Young people, drugs and harm reduction"

Youth RISE is partnering with Harm Reduction Journal and Filter for a Special Series on “Young people, drugs and harm reduction”. The series is supported by through the Robert Carr Fund. Details are below:

Guest Editors:
Dr. Alissa Greer, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Danya Fast, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada
Angela McBride, South African Network of People who Use Drugs, South Africa
Florian Scheibein, Youth RISE; Network of Early Career Professionals in Addiction Medicine; School of Health Sciences, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Editor-in-Chief: Prof Nick Crofts Harm Reduction Journal

The Harm Reduction Journal invites you to submit research articles and commentaries to the new thematic series: Young people, drugs and harm reduction.  With support from the Robert Carr Fund, Youth RISE will cover the open access fees for a select number of accepted publications.

We encourage submissions on a wide range of topics that relate to young people who use drugs (under 30 years of age) and harm reduction, broadly construed. Articles should include some consideration of the notion of intersectionality; that is, they should attend to the ways that age, gender, sexual orientation, class, race, ability and/or geography intersect to shape youth’s experiences of and engagements with drug use and harm reduction. Submissions which reflect non-traditional views and approaches to harm reduction are strongly encouraged, as are submissions produced by young people who use drugs and researchers from lower- and middle-income countries. Articles should consider best and promising practices and identify future areas for action, advocacy, and research.

This Special Series benefits from a partnership with Filter magazine. Filter will work with Youth RISE and authors to produce and publish a series of accessible articles, with a view to broadening the reach of work published in this series.

All articles in this series will undergo the journal’s full standard peer review process. Manuscripts should be formatted according to Harm Reduction Journal submission guidelines and may be submitted through Editorial Manager (

In the submission system, please make sure that the correct collection title is chosen from the “additional information” tab. Please also indicate in the covering letter that the manuscript is to be considered for the “Young People, Drugs and Harm Reduction” thematic series. Submissions are invited until September 21st 2021. For further information, please contact the Editors.

Type of articles accepted:

·       Research article

·       Book review

·       Brief report

·       Case report

·       Case study

·       Commentary

·       Methodology

·       Review

·       Opinion

·       Meeting report

Advisory Board

Ailish Brennan, Youth RISE, Germany.

Alex Betsos, Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy; Youth RISE, Canada.

At-Risk Youth Study Youth Advisory Council, Canada.

Beatrix Vas, Youth RISE; Students for Sensible Drug Policy Hungary, Hungary.

Carolina Ahumada, Youth RISE; Intercambios, Argentina. 

Cedric Nininahazwe, Y+ Global, South Africa.

Dr. Damon Barrett, School of Public Health and Community Medicine Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dr. Emmy Kageha Igonya, African Population and Health Research Center, Kenya.

Florencia Manns Fuenzalida, Proyecto En Plenas Facultades de la Fundación Salud y Comunidad, Spain; Youth RISE, Spain.

Gaj Garung, Youth LEAD, Thailand.

Gloria Lai, International Drug Policy Consortium, Thailand.

Humberto Rotondo, Youth RISE; Latinoamérica por una Política Sensata de Drogas, Peru.

Iga Jeziorska, Youth Organisations for Drug Action, Department of Public Policy and Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.

Irena Molnar, Youth Organisations for Drug Action; Re Generation, Serbia.

Ishwor Maharjan, Youth RISE, Nepal.

Joana Canedo, Youth RISE; Grupo de Ativistas em Tratamentos, Portugal.

Juan Fernández Ochoa, International Drug Policy Consortium, United Kingdom.

Judy Chang, International Network of People who Use Drugs, United Kingdom.

Lana Roux, European Network of People who Use Drugs, United Kingdom.

Dr. Larissa J. Maier, University of California, San Francisco, United States.

Dr. Lindsey Hines, Centre for Academic Mental Health/Integrative Epidemiology Unit, Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

Kelly Ebbert, Youth RISE; Live to Love Project, United States.

Mat Southwell, European Network of People who Use Drugs, United Kingdom.

Matthew Bonn, Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs; International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users, Canada.

MJ Stowe, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa; Youth RISE; South African Network of People who Use Drugs, South Africa.

Nick Kent, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia, Australia.

Oluseyi Kehinde, Youth RISE Nigeria, Nigeria.

Orsi Feher, Students for Sensible Drug Policy International, Austria.

Dr. Paolo Grandinetti, Network of Early Career Professionals in Addiction Medicine; ASL Teramo, Italy.

Penelope Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia.

Rhana Hashemi, Center for Political Drug Education, United States.

Róisín Downes, Students for Sensible Drug Policy International, Austria.

Ruby Lawlor, Youth RISE, Uganda.

Sangeet Kayashta, YPEER Asia Pacific Centre, Thailand.

Dr. Sidharth Arya, Network of Early Career Professionals in Addiction Medicine; Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, India.

Will Godfrey, Filter, United States.

Wiqas Ahmad, Initiative for Youth and Sustainable Development, Pakistan.

Zara Snapp, Instituto RIA, AC; Latin American Network of People who Use Drugs, Mexico.